InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — The Real Source of HarmThe real harm happens when we outsource our happinessMay 11, 20202361May 11, 20202361
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — The Smoke And Dust of MythFinding and following true successJul 21, 20202215Jul 21, 20202215
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — To Each His OwnBe the light in dark timesJul 29, 20204491Jul 29, 20204491
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Circumstances Have No Care For Our FeelingsHow I learned to live by MY valuesMay 10, 202029May 10, 202029
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — What’s Better Left UnsaidOnly speak when you are confident your words are worthy of being heardMay 3, 2020693May 3, 2020693
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Wish Not, Want NotYou must be willing to pay the price for your desiresApr 28, 2020118Apr 28, 2020118
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Get Busy Paying The Price of Success“Robbers, perverts, killers, and tyrants–gather for your inspection their so-called pleasures.” ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 6.34Feb 20, 2020571Feb 20, 2020571
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Do The Hard Work And You Are Bound To Be Successful“Remember to conduct yourself in life as if at a banquet. As something being passed around comes to you, reach out your hand and take a…Feb 20, 20201301Feb 20, 20201301
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Flip The Switch on Your False Impressions“This is the true athlete–the person in rigorous training against false impressions. Remain firm, you who suffer, don’t be kidnapped by…Feb 19, 20209Feb 19, 20209
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — The Enemy of Happiness“It is quite impossible to unite happiness with a yearning for what we don’t have. Happiness has all that it wants, and resembling the…Feb 18, 202023Feb 18, 202023
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Don’t Make Things Harder Than They Need To Be“If someone asks you how to write your name, would you bark out each letter? And if they get angry, would you then return the anger…Feb 16, 202071Feb 16, 202071
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Turn Fear Into Excitement“Clear your mind and get a hold on yourself and, as when awakened from sleep and realizing it was only a bad dream upsetting you, wake up…Feb 15, 20204Feb 15, 20204
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Think Before You Act“For to be wise is only one thing–to fix our attention on our intelligence, which guides all things everywhere.” ~ Heraclitus, Quoted In…Feb 15, 202017Feb 15, 202017
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Pleasure Can Become Punishment“Whenever you get an impression of some pleasure, as with any impression, guard yourself from being carried away by it, let it await your…Feb 14, 20203Feb 14, 20203
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Protect Your Peace Of Mind“Keep constant guard over your perceptions, for it is no small thing you are protecting, but your respect, trustworthiness and steadiness…Feb 13, 202012Feb 13, 202012
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Hero Or Nero?“Our soul is sometimes a king, and sometimes a tyrant. A king, by attending to what is honorable, protects the good health of the body in…Feb 12, 2020361Feb 12, 2020361
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Anger Is Bad Fuel“There is no more stupefying thing than anger, nothing more bent on its own strength. If successful, none more arrogant, if foiled, none…Feb 11, 20203Feb 11, 20203
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — You Don’t Have To Have An Opinion“We have the power to hold no opinion about a thing and to not let it upset our state of mind–for things have no natural power to shape…Feb 9, 2020160Feb 9, 2020160
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Did That Make You Feel Better?“You cry, I’m suffering severe pain! Are you then relieved from feeling it, if you bear it in an unmanly way?” ~ Seneca, Moral Letters…Feb 8, 20202Feb 8, 20202
InLucid WisdombyDavid CookDaily Stoic Life — Fear Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy“Many are harmed by fear itself, and many may have come to their fate while dreading fate.” ~ Seneca, Oedipus, 992Feb 7, 202071Feb 7, 202071